COVID19 RELIEF Activities

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COVID-19 RELIEF Activities..

Arranged 45 Oxygen Concentrators worth  $45000 plus (35 Lakhs rupees ) to Hospitals and isolation centers.

COVID-19 RELIEF Activities..

photos refering to 02 Concentrators arrangement & using them ..

COVID-19 RELIEF Activities..

Arranged 40 Oxygen Concentrators worth $40000  (30 Lakhs Plus ) to Rural villages on personal requests.

COVID-19 RELIEF Activities..

Arranged O2 Concentrator & O2 cylinders for one NGO in Kadapa (AP), which is running an O2 bank. 

COVID-19 RELIEF Activities..

PPE kits, N95 masks, sanitizers for NGOs who are severing Covid efffected people and villages.

COVID-19 RELIEF Activities..

Talari Village Isolation center served and saved 10s of lives in and around this remote village (Vijayanagaram dt).

COVID-19 RELIEF Activities..

Arranged Finance support for a group of 20 young volunteers (from Gujarath) for website :, which helps in serving 100s of needy people. 

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